Outcast Second Contact Or Turns Out You Can Also Whitewash Video Games

Outcast Second Contact Or Turns Out You Can Also Whitewash Video Games

It cannot be stressed enough that all wormholes lead to Belgium.

GoG.com Summer 2017 sales are Here and A passing commentary on the slow befuddlement of a what used to be a nice digital game store.

GoG.com Summer 2017 sales are Here and A passing commentary on the slow befuddlement of a what used to be a nice digital game store.

Why don't we all take 3 months off every year and just play video games, huh?

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations - S01E04, S01E05, S01E06, and S01E07

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations - S01E04, S01E05, S01E06, and S01E07

We're switching to summarizing every few episodes because we had an appointment to wash our hair that day. Seriously, not trying to be sarcastic. Every week, on the day the new Boruto came out, hair washing.

Fullmetal Alchemist Live Action Movie - Trailer Thoughts

Fullmetal Alchemist Live Action Movie - Trailer Thoughts

Unlike other recent live action adaptations, this features an entirely Japanese cast. Slated for release this December in Japan, with other dates TBD. Yes, Alphonse looks awesome.

Dead Space (2008) - Remapping the directional keys

Dead Space (2008) - Remapping the directional keys

Use an xbox gamepad to play PC games you say? Are you out of your mind?

Marvel Generations #1 - Wolverine is staying dead, isn't he?

Marvel Generations #1 - Wolverine is staying dead, isn't he?

Some INCIDENTAL SPOILERS in this piece. Is Marvel bringing dead characters back? Again?

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, S01E03 - Summary & Review

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, S01E03 - Summary & Review

I can feel my age when I watch this. Contains MODERATE SPOILERS

Hart, Chapelle, and Christie - Last Week On Netflix

Hart, Chapelle, and Christie - Last Week On Netflix

Yeah, I probably watch more standup comedy than is socially acceptable.