Dead Space (2008) - Remapping the directional keys
Use an xbox gamepad to play PC games you say? Are you out of your mind?
Marvel Generations #1 - Wolverine is staying dead, isn't he?
in this piece. Is Marvel bringing dead characters back? Again?
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, S01E03 - Summary & Review
I can feel my age when I watch this. Contains MODERATE SPOILERS
Hart, Chapelle, and Christie - Last Week On Netflix
Yeah, I probably watch more standup comedy than is socially acceptable.
Star Wars - The Last Jedi (2017) aka You're not making any sense Luke, stop that - A Review From Trailers
Last Jedi, Schmast Schmedi. Like we're going to take your word for it.
Thor Ragnarok 2017 - A Review From Trailers
The teaser for yet another Marvel Universe super hero movie dropped a few days ago. It was of course almost immediately upstaged by the teaser for the new Star Wars movie.
Boruto - Naruto Next Generation - S01E02 - A Review
Feels like I'm watching a bunch of 12 year olds. Oh wait. They are a bunch of 12 year olds.. Damn it. Contains MAJOR SPOILERS