Monster Hunter World - The Misadventures of Robert Rotten
Is that the face of a man who would lie to you then backstab you to steal your cake?
Outcast Second Contact Or Turns Out You Can Also Whitewash Video Games
It cannot be stressed enough that all wormholes lead to Belgium. Summer 2017 sales are Here and A passing commentary on the slow befuddlement of a what used to be a nice digital game store.
Why don't we all take 3 months off every year and just play video games, huh?
Dead Space (2008) - Remapping the directional keys
Use an xbox gamepad to play PC games you say? Are you out of your mind?
Doom 2016 - Some first impressions or that piece of shit title screen steam and/or Bethesda is pushing in your face
I haven't played it yet and it already makes me sad.